It is thought that approximately 80% of people have a magnesium deficiency to some degree, so the chances are you may well be affected.

Magnesium is probably the most important mineral in the body, accounting for over 300 actions in just about every body system – including the gut and the brain. It also helps to regulate sodium, potassium and calcium levels, and helps glutathione – your body’s main antioxidant – to do its job. So all in all, it’s pretty important and you’ll definitely feel the effects if you haven’t got enough in your system.


What happens if you don’t get enough magnesium?


If your diet is low in magnesium then your microbiome will definitely take a hit. You can read more about your microbiome here. Scientists have studied mice put on low and high magnesium diets, and compared the two. Their microbiomes differed significantly. Furthermore, the magnesium deficient mice showed less mobility and behaviours that corresponded to depressive symptoms in humans.

The deficient mice had low levels of beneficial bacteria, and high levels of inflammation.


In addition to the digestive problems, low levels of magnesium are associated with –


  • Leg cramps and restless leg syndrome
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety, irritability and restlessness
  • Deficiency impacts the central nervous system by depleting levels of GABA – a calming neurotransmitter.
  • Having adequate levels calms the body, improves mood and soothes muscles.

Low energy, fatigue and feeling weak are common signs of magnesium deficiency.


What causes magnesium deficiency?


Soil depletion – as minerals are stripped away from the soil due to intensive farming processes, crops become depleted. There are far less minerals present in food now, compared to previous generations.
Digestive issues such as leaky gut, SIBO, and IBD may impact your ability to absorb sufficient levels of magnesium.
Long-term use of medications may damage the gut, leading to mineral deficiencies.


If you’re worried your diet is impacting your gut health, I’d highly recommend downloading my online course The Ultimate Gut Health Programme to help support both your digestive sysem and hormone health, whilst avoiding triggering symptoms.

It’d be impossible to include all you need to know in one blog, but the programme will have all you need to know to ensure you’re soothing your digestive system, whilst eating delicious and filling foods.

Who is most at risk from magnesium deficiency?

  • Certain people may be genetically predisposed to poor absorption.
  • Eating a diet low in foods which are rich in magnesium.
  • People experiencing high levels of stress, from any cause, may experience the effects of low magnesium. Stress will drain magnesium from the body.
  • Anyone with a digestive system issue such as coeliac or IBD which may affect their ability to absorb magnesium.

The best way to increase your magnesium levels

The best food sources of magnesium include –

  • Dark green leafy vegetables
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Legumes such as lentils
  • Whole grains
  • Dark chocolate (at least 75% cacao)

Magnesium Supplementation

If you’d like an extra boost then magnesium skin sprays are great for people who have difficulty with absorption. Or supplementing with magnesium glycinate, malate or threonine.

Magnesium malate is great if you’re having muscle problems, whereas threonine crosses the blood brain barrier so is great for all things brain and mood related, such as anxiety. Magnesium glycinate is highly absorbable and readily bioavailable to the body.

A dose of around 300-400mg/day is appropriate for most people, but do check with your healthcare provider first if you’re taking any other medications.


If you would like to speak to me about any aspect of your gut health, then please use this link to book into my diary for a FREE 30 minute chat so I can find out more about what is going on for you.  Alternatively please use the ‘Learn More’ link below.

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