Acid Reflux: 6 Reasons for Your Symptoms.

Acid Reflux: 6 Reasons for Your Symptoms.

Contrary to what it may feel like, acid reflux symptoms are not usually caused by too much acid in the stomach, and antacids may not be the best remedy.  Read on to find out what may actually be going on, and a few ways to begin to tackle the issue.


Here’s the problem: It seems that symptoms such as heartburn and acid reflux actually come about because of low stomach acid, AKA hypochlorrhidria. And what’s worse is that every time you take antacids, PPIs or H2 blockers you may actually be making the problem worse, and you may well enter a viscous cycle situation.

Now that’s not to say that medications such as antacids and PPIs don’t have a place, they are useful for effectively treating the occasional or temporary bout of heartburn or reflux. What I’m talking about here is chronic, ongoing, frequent use of these medications.


Low stomach acid


Prolonged hypochlorhydria – or low stomach acid – is associated with

  • nutrient deficiencies,
  • diabetes,
  • chronic fatigue
  • and a whole host of other disorders.

Before delving further into this, also be aware that antacids themselves tend to be associated with an array of side effects, including –

  • Constipation
  • Diarrhoea
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Low appetite
  • Headaches


Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) actually stop the production of stomach acid and pepsin. Pepsin is the enzyme responsible for breaking down protein into easily digestible particles.  Needless to say, if your protein isn’t broken down effectively it can go on to cause a lot of problems further along your digestive tract – mainly a lot of bloating.

The bloating may cause extra pressure in your abdomen, including your stomach, and cause your lower oesophageal sphincter to open somewhat, allowing hydrochloric acid to seep into the oesophagus.


So what does cause these uncomfortable acid reflux symptoms?


Acid reflux comes about because of acid rising up through the oesophagus. This happens because the valve at the lower end of your oesophagus starts to leak, generally because of too much pressure on the stomach, allowing acid to creep up into the oesophagus. If your stomach acid isn’t in your stomach, but sloshing around up in your oesophagus, you may get uncomfortable problems.


There are six reasons acid reflux may happen –


  1. Hiatal hernia – this is when the upper end of your stomach pushes through the diaphragm.
  2. Eating meals which are too large – an over-full stomach adds pressure to the diaphragm allowing acid to seep upwards.
  3. Eating too much of the ‘wrong’ food – this isn’t to say that everyone has the same ‘wrong’ foods, it’s just that some foods are more suited to some people than others. Or, what your body needed when you were younger, for example, may not be what it needs now. It could be that you may be consuming too much carbohydrate for your current needs, for example.
  4. You may also have dysbiosis or
  5. SIBO which could be increasing the levels of gas in your digestive system.
  6. Food intolerances could be behind your symptoms.


If you’re worried your diet is impacting your gut health, I’d highly recommend downloading my online course The Ultimate Gut Health Programme to help support both your digestive sysem and hormone health, whilst avoiding triggering symptoms.

It’d be impossible to include all you need to know in one blog, but the programme will have all you need to know to ensure you’re soothing your digestive system, whilst eating delicious and filling foods.

Stomach acid is also a major first line of defence for your immune system

If you raise the pH of your stomach environment so it becomes more alkaline, it’s not particularly hostile to any unwelcome guests. We want it to be nice and acidic to protect us from invaders.

Therefore the risk of stomach bugs such as salmonella or listeria may increase. A very acidic environment is not only necessary to effectively digest food, but also to kill off any invaders.

So then what happens if you take antacids or PPIs?  Unfortunately you may be inadvertently adding to the problem.  Then your stomach will go all out trying to make more hydrochloric acid to increase the acidity of your stomach, and return it to it’s set point.

    A bit of detective work is typically necessary to ascertain where these symptoms are coming from.

    Dietary changes may help you here –

    •  Reducing refined grains – white bread, white pasta etc
    • Increasing your fibre intake – including lots of fruits and vegetables to keep your friendly bacteria well fed and in healthy numbers
    • Reducing sugar intake
    • Eating probiotic rich foods – be aware these can sometimes aggravate symptoms to start with, especially if you have an underlying issue such as SIBO

    There are also supplements that can help you, but of course it depends on what is actually the underlying cause of your reflux or heartburn. 

    High quality magnesium and digestive enzymes are a couple that may be recommended.


    If you would like to speak to me about any aspect of your gut health, then please use this link to book into my diary for a FREE 30 minute chat so I can find out more about what is going on for you.  Alternatively please use the ‘Learn More’ link below.

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    Ultimate Gut Health Programme

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    Margarine vs. Butter: Which is Healthier?

    Margarine vs. Butter: Which is Healthier?

    This post will discuss a common area of confusion, as there are a lot of different messages out there depending on who you speak to. What it boils down to is the whole saturated fat debate. We’ve been led to believe that saturated fat is so detrimental to health we must avoid it at all costs, but is this necessary? And when thinking about margarine vs. butter, which is healthier?

    Just to be clear you absolutely need fat in your diet.  It’s the type of fat which can cause problems.


    Margarine vs. Butter – The pros and cons of margarine


    • Margarine is made from vegetable oil which undergoes hydrogenation or intensive processing to harden the texture.
    • Although rich in polyunsaturated fats which are considered healthier for your heart, by the time they’ve been processed they’re less than ideal. After this processing they often become trans fats which we definitely want to avoid!
    • Some margarines contain healthier oils such as olive oil, and some really aren’t too bad at all such as the vegan brands you can buy in health food shops. These can contain a nice variety of alternative fats such as coconut oil and shea butter.
    • Margarine will almost always contain additives to make it tastier and spreadable.
    • Standard margarines are very high in omega-6 fatty acids. We need to keep our omega-3 and 6 in the correct ratio to be healthy – but there is a problem! Found everywhere, Omega-6 is in so many foods we end up eating far too much of it.
      Omega-6 can also be very inflammatory. Excessive inflammation is at the root of most disease and illness states, so really, avoiding too much omega-6 is essential.

    You can read more about inflammation here.



    The bottom line on margarine:


    If you’re avoiding dairy for dietary reasons or if you’re vegan, look for brands which are free from trans fats.  Better still use ‘healthier fat’ containing brands from your health food shop.


    Margarine vs. Butter – The pros and cons of butter:


    Minimally processed, butter is far superior on the nutrition front. Grass fed, organic and raw versions are, ideally, what you’re looking for.  Although demonised as being high in saturated fat, and therefore bad for heart health, this isn’t the whole story. The jury is still out on how much saturated fat we need in our diets, but the general consensus is it definitely needs to feature in our diets to some degree.


    The nutrient profile of butter from grass-fed herds is very high. It contains some real plusses such as –


    • Vitamin K2, this plays a key role in bone and heart health, and is also key in cancer prevention.
    • Butter is also rich in several important fatty acids, including butyrate which you need for a healthy gut. You can read more about keeping your gut healthy here.
      Plenty of omega-3 fatty acids for brain and skin health.
    • Conjugated linoleic acid which helps stop weight gain and helps build muscle.


    The bottom line on butter –


    • It’s rich in saturated fat which we undoubtedly need in our diets, but the jury is very much still out on how much exactly we need.
    • As is usually the way with all things nutrition related – the poison’s in the dose – a small amount is likely beneficial for you, but too much may well be damaging.
    • And how much butter do we really tend to eat?  It’s not something we usually consume at very high levels.
    • When buying butter look for grass fed, organic and if you can get it, raw.  If you have a good local farmers market you may be able to pick up raw butter there.


    If you’re worried your diet is impacting your gut health, I’d highly recommend downloading my online course The Ultimate Gut Health Programme to help support both your digestive sysem and hormone health, whilst avoiding triggering symptoms.

    It’d be impossible to include all you need to know in one blog, but the programme will have all you need to know to ensure you’re soothing your digestive system, whilst eating delicious and filling foods.

    Margarine vs. Butter – which is healthier?


    My take on fats is that you want a nice variety in your diet – consume a mixture of healthy fats so you know you’re getting some of all the necessary fats you need in your diet.


    Focus on –



        • Coconut oil
        • Seed butters
        • Hummus
        • Extra virgin olive oil
        • Avocado and nut butters

      All these can all be spread on toast like butter to make a delicious snack.

      The key thing is to avoid eating only one kind of fat, they’re all beneficial and contain different types of fats which we need for a balanced diet.


      If you would like to speak to me about any aspect of your gut health, then please use this link to book into my diary for a FREE 30 minute chat so I can find out more about what is going on for you.  Alternatively please use the ‘Learn More’ link below.

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      Simple Exercises Your Gut Will Love.

      Simple Exercises Your Gut Will Love.

      First off this post will delve into why on Earth getting moving is so vital for your digestive system – yes, even regardless of what you eat. Then we’ll look into five really simple exercises for gut health which will help. And no I don’t mean pumping iron in the gym for hours (although you can do that if you want to of course!)


      Exercise & your microbiome


      No matter what you are or aren’t eating, exercise alone can definitely improve the state of your gut bacteria. So if your diet is less than perfect, taking frequent exercise is going to help you – a lot.

      It’s certainly true to say that your gut bacteria like it when you’re active. So much so that regular exercise can increase the levels of your beneficial microbes by up to 40%!

      Adequate levels of short-chain fatty acids, specifically butyrate, are required to keep inflammation under control in the gut as well as ensuring that cell renewal ticks over optimally. In other words, butyrate is essential for healthy gut functioning. Your friendly gut bacteria produce butyrate, and exercise has been shown to increase the levels of butyrate your bacteria produce.

      The following species of beneficial bacteria have been proven in studies to increase drastically – by up to 40%! – when you exercise:


      • Lactobacillus
      • Akkermansia (very important and often lacking)
      • Bifidobacterium


      The physical act of exercising reduces your gut transit time, i.e., the amount of time it takes for your food to pass through your digestive system.

      Reducing your gut transit time prevents bad bacteria from from hanging around for too long, and setting up camp in there.


      How exercise can cause gut problems – how to avoid this


      There is however one caveat: Over-exercising, or exercising too intensely, can cause the opposite to happen. This may increase levels of stress, inflammation and leaky gut and is absolutely not what we want! Elite athletes and marathon runners will have had specific training on how to counteract these effects. But unfortunately a similar scenario can occur if you go from doing no exercise and being very sedentary, to suddenly going all out.  Balance (as always) is what’s needed here.


      If you’re worried your diet is impacting your gut health, I’d highly recommend downloading my online course The Ultimate Gut Health Programme to help support both your digestive sysem and hormone health, whilst avoiding triggering symptoms.

      It’d be impossible to include all you need to know in one blog, but the programme will have all you need to know to ensure you’re soothing your digestive system, whilst eating delicious and filling foods.

      With that in mind, here are some much simpler exercises for gut health!


      • Stand up and walk when you’re on the phone, all those little steps add up which is good news for your gut microbes.


      • Whether you’re working from home or in the office ensure you take regular breaks from your computer to stretch out and walk around. Walk up and down the stairs a few times. Think about how all these small activities add up over the course of a day.

      Sitting for long periods is bad for your digestion. Your gut loves it when you move around as it helps it do its job much more effectively.

      As great low impact exercises for gut health go, walking is a clear winner. It is also superb for your mood and relaxation. Protein-heavy foods are more labour intensive for your stomach to digest and the motion of walking actually decreases the time it takes for this to happen. This helps your stomach get to work on digesting protein and amino acids more efficiently.

      In addition, walking for at least 20 minutes helps your body to extract vital nutrients, specifically polyphenols, from your food. Polyphenols are the perfect fuel for your beneficial bacteria and so will increase their diversity.

      Dancing, yoga & abs

      • Dancing and yoga are fantastic for your gut health, not only are they relaxing and enjoyable but studies have demonstrated that they positively impact symptoms associated with IBS.


      • Ab workouts aren’t only beneficial for reducing your belly fat. They benefit you from the inside too by helping to reduce inflammation.

      Balance is key

      Always remember that balance is key. Overdoing the exercises for gut health won’t help your digestive system at all and will probably increase your stress levels to boot. Gentler forms of exercise such as yoga or pilates will also help to get you into ‘rest and digest’ mode which is vital for gut health.


      If you would like to speak to me about any aspect of your gut health, then please use this link to book into my diary for a FREE 30 minute chat so I can find out more about what is going on for you.  Alternatively please use the ‘Learn More’ link below.

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      SIBO: The Hidden Reason for Gut Problems.

      SIBO: The Hidden Reason for Gut Problems.

      This article will look at eight of the main signs that you may be affected by SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), together with some of the circumstances that may have given rise to it, and perhaps most importantly, how you can go about fixing these and finally eliminating some of those debilitating digestive issues. Is SIBO the hidden reason for your digestive symptoms? Read on discover more.


      What is SIBO?

      You may not be too familiar with SIBO which stands for ‘small intestinal bacterial overgrowth’ but it’s actually incredibly common – in fact an astonishing 85% of people who have IBS symptoms also have SIBO.

      It can all start when our friendly bacteria, which reside in the large intestine, gradually start to migrate to the small intestine.
      These bacteria don’t belong in the small intestine, they should only be present in the large intestine.  The small intestine should only host a very small number of bacteria, and nothing like the large numbers which are housed by the large intestine.


      How does it happen?


      In an ideal world, the small and large intestines protect themselves from invaders very well.  
      For example, the extremely acidic nature of your stomach acid will stop bacteria from setting up shop there. BUT if you take medications to decrease your stomach acid, your stomach’s best line of defence against invaders starts to diminish.
      Other medications can contribute to SIBO such as the contraceptive pill, antibiotics and opioids.


      The natural course of ageing can also cause stomach acid levels to decrease and increase your risk of SIBO.


      Another huge cause of SIBO is when the motility of the intestines stops functioning as it should. This means the intestines aren’t pushing their contents through quickly enough, which in turn gives an opportunity for displaced bacteria to linger around a bit too long, and start to colonise.


      Any kind of bowel surgery, or other bowel condition such as ulcerative colitis or crohns can cause this to happen, as can gallbladder removal. 


      The gallbladder stores bile, and bile acts as a further line of defence in your intestinal immune system, keeping things in balance and in the correct place.


      SIBO Signs


      The signs you may be affected by SIBO are very similar to many other digestive complaints.  The symptoms include –


      SIBO is caused by, and hides behind, other digestive complaints you may be experiencing, so it can be tricky to establish what exactly is causing your symptoms.


      A telltale sign SIBO is affecting you might be if you’re taking a probiotic supplement in order to alleviate your digestive symptoms, BUT frustratingly your symptoms are getting worse.  This is because adding further bacteria into the mix is really stirring things up.  Likewise, if you’re treating other digestive issues and seeing no improvement, this may also an indicator that SIBO is playing a part.


      Testing for SIBO

      The best way to test for SIBO is through a simple breath test.  This measures the amount of gas being produced by bacteria in the small intestine. The only way the body produces these gasses (methane and hydrogen) is through bacteria. We can also tell from stool test which bacteria you have present and whether or not they’re likely to be causing SIBO.


      Helping SIBO heal

      Healing from SIBO can be notoriously tricky.


      Because the bacteria have established themselves in a place they shouldn’t be, so as a means of defence they cover themselves in a protective layer, known as a ‘biofilm’.

      Biofilms are created to protect bacterial colonies. Plaque that forms on teeth is another type of biofilm, and you know what a faff that can be to remove!


      If you’re worried your diet is impacting your gut health, I’d highly recommend downloading my online course The Ultimate Gut Health Programme to help support both your digestive sysem and hormone health, whilst avoiding triggering symptoms.

      It’d be impossible to include all you need to know in one blog, but the programme will have all you need to know to ensure you’re soothing your digestive system, whilst eating delicious and filling foods.

      With that in mind, a program of treatment to effectively eliminate SIBO, and prevent relapse, will look something like this –


      • Antibiotics and/or natural antibacterial herbs to eliminate the infection.
      • Supplements to break down the biofilm so the antibacterial agents can get to work. Vital at this stage.

      Stress & lifestyle


      Lifestyle upgrades such as exercise and meditation to control stress. Stress is a HUGE contributor to gut health issues. So mindset work and exercise will really help you to heal, and help prevent any future flare ups.


      If you would like to speak to me about any aspect of your gut health, then please use this link to book into my diary for a FREE 30 minute chat so I can find out more about what is going on for you.  Alternatively please use the ‘Learn More’ link below.

      Free Mini Programme

      Would You Like to Learn How to Fix Your Digestive SymptomsBeat the Bloat and Feel Amazing?

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      Delicious, Filling & Inspiring ways to Become Symptom-Free, Soothe Your Gut and Enjoy Your Food Again!

      Immunity: What’s the Link to Gut Health?

      Immunity: What’s the Link to Gut Health?

      Does optimising your gut health really help your immunity and the fight against colds and flu? 

      Scientists are increasingly focusing on the link between our immune system and our gut. Recently it’s been recognised that the ‘friendly’ lactic-acid producing bacteria within our large intestine may even help to protect us against common infections such as colds and flu, so the link between immunity and gut health is very real indeed.


      Immunity and your gut


      This isn’t at all surprising when you realise that around 70 per cent of our entire immune system is found within the lining of the intestines, in what is known as our gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT). In fact, this is where you’ll also find 80% of our antibody producing immune cells hanging out. They form white patches throughout the gut, known as Peyer’s Patches. Perhaps even more importantly, this is where our T-cells form any new immune memories needed against newly discovered infections.

      Funnily enough, when I see clients for IBS and we start to tackle their gut health, one of the first improvements they tend to notice is with their immunity.  They comment that although everyone around them is dropping like flies, they’ve escaped unscathed! 


      Immunity & gut health: The mucosal barrier


      Our first point of contact for bacteria, viruses and other pathogens is our mucosal barrier. This is the layer of mucus which covers our oral cavity, digestive system, reproductive and respiratory tracts.

      This mucus layer should be packed with antibodies and will eliminate potential invaders before we’ve even had a chance to realise we were under attack.


      How do you keep your mucosal layer healthy?


      Vitamin A and zinc are vital nutrients for keeping your mucosal barrier healthy, strengthening both your gut health and immunity.

      Prebiotics from food and supplements keep your friendly bacteria well fed. Prebiotic-rich foods to include are –

      • Leeks
      • Onions
      • Garlic
      • Boiled and cooled potatoes
      • Chicory
      • Asparagus


      If you’re worried your diet is impacting your gut health, I’d highly recommend downloading my online course The Ultimate Gut Health Programme to help support both your digestive sysem and hormone health, whilst avoiding triggering symptoms.

      It’d be impossible to include all you need to know in one blog, but the programme will have all you need to know to ensure you’re soothing your digestive system, whilst eating delicious and filling foods.

      Eat to strengthen your immunity & gut health

      It goes without saying that a nutrient-dense diet is what’s needed if you want a robust immune system, so focus on –


      • Leafy greens
      • Berries
      • Ginger
      • Citrus fruits
      • Sweet potato
      • Peppers

      To further strengthen your immunity, ensure you minimise or avoid –

      • Sugar
      • Ultra processed foods
      • Excessive alcohol intake (this is very damaging to your gut)

      It’s a double-win if you can reduce sugar as you’ll help your immunity as well as your digestion.

      Minimise stress – vital to strengthen your immunity


      Ongoing stress weakens your body’s ability to fight infections. It’s not always possible to avoid sources of stress, but its our reaction to it which is important. That’s where practices such as meditation and gratitude are vitally important. Whereas herbal teas containing chamomile and lemon balm can be especially soothing.

      I hope this helps you avoid the dreaded bugs this winter,


      If you would like to speak to me about any aspect of your gut health, then please use this link to book into my diary for a FREE 30 minute chat so I can find out more about what is going on for you.  Alternatively please use the ‘Learn More’ link below.

      Free Mini Programme

      Would You Like to Learn How to Fix Your Digestive SymptomsBeat the Bloat and Feel Amazing?

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      Get Ready to Permanently Beat the BloatSoothe Your Digestion and Feel Amazing 

      Ultimate Gut Health Programme

      Delicious, Filling & Inspiring ways to Become Symptom-Free, Soothe Your Gut and Enjoy Your Food Again!

      Dehydration: Is it Triggering Your Gut Problems?

      Dehydration: Is it Triggering Your Gut Problems?

      Hydration. It’s something that’s so fundamental to great health and well-being that there’s absolutely no point in doing anything else – fancy supplement plans, all-out exercise regimes, meditation and mindset courses, or anything else – until you’re in the habit of ensuring you’re not affected by dehydration. Particularly if you’re someone who suffers with their digestion.


      With that in mind, if you’re not a keen water drinker (and let’s face it many of us aren’t!) I’ll give you a few hints and tips at the end to help make all things water-related so much more appealing for you, and help you put that spring back in your step.


      Why pay particular attention to dehydration if you’re prone to gut trouble?


      Having a healthy and hydrated gut promotes –


      Dehydration and gut function –


      Right at the beginning of the digestive system is your stomach. Your stomach needs to secrete plentiful hydrochloric acid in order to break down your proteins efficiently, and ensure they get adequately assimilated further along the digestive tract. Put simply, if you aren’t drinking enough water your stomach can’t produce the acid and your food will sit in your stomach causing bloating and discomfort.

      The same thing will happen with the pancreas. The pancreas needs plenty of water to enable it to produce all the juices which contain the enzymes needed to break down your food. Again, the stomach’s contents will be unable to be moved along and digested efficiently.

      If you’re dehydrated this will without doubt cause bloating.

      Further along the digestive system, if there’s a lack of water in the colon this will cause constipation – not what you want at all. Constipation may damage the gut lining and cause more pressure in the stomach.


      And all that is just in your gut.  What else may be impacted by dehydration?


      Your body will be unable to –

      • Detoxify any waste
      • Enable your brain to function efficiently
      • Ensure your heart pumps properly
      • Repair cells
      • Curb food cravings
      • Enable optimal kidney function
      • Help your blood carry nutrients around the body


      What are the signs that dehydration may be an issue?

      • Feeling tired
      • Headaches
      • Dry skin and mouth
      • Feeling dizzy and/or confused
      • Anxiety and depression
      • As well as all those digestive symptoms previously mentioned


      How do you know if you’re adequately hydrated?


      We should, as a rough guide, be aiming for around two litres of water each day. Of course this varies due to what the weather’s like, how much exercise you’re doing and how big you are. So a better way is to keep a note of the colour of your urine. Your first wee of the day will likely be quite dark, but as the day goes on you want to be aiming for pale-straw coloured urine. If it stays this colour, you know you’re drinking enough.


      If you’re worried your diet is impacting your gut health, I’d highly recommend downloading my online course The Ultimate Gut Health Programme to help support both your digestive sysem and hormone health, whilst avoiding triggering symptoms.

      It’d be impossible to include all you need to know in one blog, but the programme will have all you need to know to ensure you’re soothing your digestive system, whilst eating delicious and filling foods.

      And don’t forget your food!

      There are plenty of fabulous water-rich fruits and vegetables which will all help stave off dehydration.  In fact, they can end up accounting for around 20% of your fluid intake over the course of a day. Cucumber, celery, courgettes, tomatoes, radishes and water melon are all great for hydration, and contain valuable electrolytes.


      What if you’re just not that keen on water?

      First tip: Ensure you filter your water. Clients frequently say they can’t believe what a difference it makes when they start to filter their water. It really gets rid of that unappealing chlorine taste – you can also keep your filter (if you use a jug filter) in the fridge which is great in the hot weather. Also, you want to get that chlorine out as it’ll have a negative impact on your gut flora. The chlorine is added to tap water to kill off any unwanted pathogens, but the trouble is it’ll also kill off your beneficial bacteria – not what we want!

      Add flavours


      Add flavours to your filtered water: Lemon and lime slices (not too frequently as it may damage your tooth enamel), cucumber ribbons, mint leaves and berries are just a few ideas. Another great option is to steep one of your favourite herbal tea bags in a jug of filtered water, and keep it in the fridge – fabulous for hot days.
      In cold weather, drink it warm. This is what I do as I’m definitely not keen on guzzling cold water on a cold day – no need to boil it, just gently heat it up in the kettle.

      Although technically caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee do count towards your overall fluid intake, caffeine is also a diuretic so it’ll increase your urine output.  If you tolerate caffeine OK, a couple of cups of tea and coffee each day is fine, and even has been shown to have numerous health benefits.  But I’d always make sure that plain water and herbal teas form the majority of your daily fluid intake.  


      If you would like to speak to me about any aspect of your gut health, then please use this link to book into my diary for a FREE 30 minute chat so I can find out more about what is going on for you.  Alternatively please use the ‘Learn More’ link below.

      Free Mini Programme

      Would You Like to Learn How to Fix Your Digestive SymptomsBeat the Bloat and Feel Amazing?

      1:1 Coaching Plans

      Get Ready to Permanently Beat the BloatSoothe Your Digestion and Feel Amazing 

      Ultimate Gut Health Programme

      Delicious, Filling & Inspiring ways to Become Symptom-Free, Soothe Your Gut and Enjoy Your Food Again!
